Sunday, March 11, 2012

03-11-2012,, pretty good day.

We're easing up on St. Patrick's Day, so I'll have to lay in a stock of Guinness Stout, or Murphy's.   Corned Beef and Cabbage soured with Emmenthal on Homemade Rye Bread.  I don't really feel particularly Irish, though I like to tipple the pint or two.  Green is far from my favorite color, though I live in a green house.  And while I do like to tell a good story or two I refrain from winking at the end.  But celebrate I will, for my forebears were Irish, and Scots fore that.  So maybe I'll have a side of Haggis with that Reuben if you please.

I love the robocalls that state "Don't hang up"......'cause that's exactly what I do.
Sorta funny, but perversely I would listen if the robo-voice said "hang up now"...

I added Burning Man to my bucket list.  Thought maybe to have a Burning Couch festival at Camp Massawomee.  Have a "Compassion Play in the front yard centered around a couch that goes up flames at the end.      Well just a thought...Art is where you find it.

In celebration of such a fine day, The First Cookout of the Year 2012.
Bar-B-Que Chicken Drumsticks with a Honey Whiskey  Habanero Sauce.  Baked, Butter soaked potato  and reheated left over steamed mixed veggies.  The occasional wiff of Grill smoke teasing, while solving a crossword , listening to the myriad of motorcycles exercising on this glorious pre-spring day.
We first eat with anticipation, then sight, then smell, then feel/taste.   Yum or Yuck,,,,we all gotta eat.  And on such a fine day as this,,,,well gruel would have been tasty

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