Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How about a twofer

First,,I would like to thank all those responsible for the favorable weather,  abundant sunshine,  lack of any meaningful late frosts,  the seed company along with Freed's Greenhouse,  Bob Masters whose hay bales nutured the Black Cherry Tomato that I picked and devoured yesterday.  Yes my friends,  we have ripe tomatoes. One of the Morgage Lifters was ripe but a slug got to it first and it got tossed over the garden fence.  

Second:  I couldn't sleep last night,,,too damn hot.  I don't know what you all do when you can't sleep,  me.....I bottle beer.  Yes Camp Massawomee fans,  Beaty's Best Bitters is bottled and hopefully 12 days of bottle fermentation will be long enough.

Now if I could only get the alga out of the pool....

Friday, June 11, 2010


Beaty's  Best Bitter is brewing.  Yesterday, June 10, 2010, a day which will live in infamy,  the forces of Camp Massawomee  gathered in it's kitchen and on the porch to begin anew a new batch of brew.  The yeast was thrown at around 3 o'clock p.m..  As of   8 o'clock this morning there was only a slight amount of gas formation, but that is within nominal time frame.  With only  24 days til the Fourth we will need all your best wishes for success.  It will be beer by then,  but not sure it will be carbonated.

I'm off in an hour to pick Jack Bailey up at the Pittsburgh airport and fully expect increased gas production along with the concomitant alcohol content increase.  It looks good, and if it's half as tasty as the wort it will be a crowd pleaser.

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